6 best sex and orgasm trackers for iOS and Android

Woman checking phone on bed

According to a Havas study on Love in the Digital Age, “more than 4 in 10 [people] would be willing to monitor their sexual activities and performance for improvement.” It harkens back to that old saying: “never measured, never improved.” Not only can you get better at things or improve your life through measurement and data, but you can also apply the same principles to improving your sex life. After all, it’s part of the reason why we created the Lioness Smart Vibrator.

While there are more period and fertility trackers than I can count on both of my hands, sex and orgasm tracking is a highly sought after, yet nascent space in the world of high-tech sex products. But search I did, and I found a variety of different trackers out there. Each of these are great for different purposes, whether you’re tracking sex in terms of fertility, health, or just to remember to kick back and have fun.

From tracking sex, masturbation, orgasms, and more, here are some of the best sex and orgasm trackers on the market.

Nice iOS Sex App

Nice (iOS)

Nice is an iOS tracker for your sex life. You can track different sexual activities, whether you used a contraception method to prevent STIs and/or pregnancy, and you can even track different locations you’ve had sex and track sexual activities with different partners.

The free app is pretty smooth and adjustable on its own, but you can also upgrade to the premium version for more customization and tracking options. Learn more about Nice at their website.

Sex Tracker Logger

Sex Tracker Logger Calendar (Android)

We don’t want to leave Android users hanging, so for them there’s the Sex Tracker Logger Calendar just for Android. It’s similar to Nice in terms of many of the functionalities, including customizing your sexual activity list, but you can download and use it for Android.

Check out the Sex Tracker Logger app here.

Lioness Smart Vibrator

Lioness Vibrator and App (iOS and Android)

Of course, we can’t make an article like this without mentioning the Lioness Vibrator and App we made.

The Lioness is the first and only vibrator that helps you improve your orgasms. Precision sensors let you literally see your own arousal and orgasm. You can use this data to experiment, understand yourself, have better orgasms — and apply some of the things you learned from me-time to we-time.

When paired with the vibrator, you can get a lot of information about your physiological arousal and orgasm that would be nearly impossible to track otherwise, especially in the moment. When you add subjective information, similar to some of the other sex trackers on here, you can use Lioness like a journal to track how your experiences change over time and in different scenarios. Folks have experimented with everything from cannabis to with/without a partner to health changes (such as how a concussion can affect your orgasms) and much, much more.

You can use it vaginally or anally and you can track your orgasms in the same way (which we’ve written about here and here). Finally, it’s highly customizable in that you can adjust the vibration settings on the app (and even set the vibrations to 0/no vibration if you want to experiment with other toys).

Check it out the Lioness Vibrator and App here.

EiNano App

EiNano: Masturbation Orgasm Tracker App (Android)

For folks who want to track their masturbation habits, Japan-made EiNano is available for Android users. You can manually enter information such as when you do it, whether you’ve orgasmed, if you used porn or a sex toy, and other custom tags. Over time, if you track consistently, you can see a calendar of how often you’ve masturbated so if it’s been a while… you’ll know.

The structure is a very simple and easy-to-use journal interface and the icons are minimalist and sleek. If you have an Android and are looking to journal your masturbation habits somewhere, definitely check this one out.

Learn more about the EiNano here.

Clue App

Clue (iOS and Android)

While Clue is first and foremost a menstruation and fertility tracker, you can also track how often you have sex on the app. This is nice for folks who are already using Clue to track their periods, since it’s all under the same app. You can track whether you use contraceptives and your sex drive.

As of writing this article there isn’t an option to track different types of sexual activities (including masturbation), other custom fields like with the other apps, or see different aggregate views, but if you want to track sex in general relative to your menstrual cycle, this is a great option.

Learn more about the Clue app here.

Apple HealthKit

Apple HealthKit (iOS)

A few years ago, Apple introduced the ability to track different aspects of sexual activity on their HealthKit. There, you enter data such as frequency, if protection was used, menstruation, as well as other dimensions that may be important for some aspects of fertility (basal body temperature, cervical mucus, ovulation test results, spotting, etc). As of this writing, there are no data inputs available for data such as sperm count or quality (hint, hint Apple).

Right now the sex part of the HealthKit is more geared towards sex for fertility and STI-prevention, and particularly for folks with vaginas who are menstruating or trying to conceive, but if that’s what is most important for you and tracking and you use Apple products, check out on the HealthKit on your phone or tablet.

Learn more about the Apple HealthKit here.

Learn More About Lioness Smart Vibrator

Find the best tracker(s) for you

As mentioned, these trackers can track different aspects of your sex life. You might find that one works better with your needs and interests over another, or perhaps several of them might be of interest to you. Try new things and enjoy the journey towards improving your sex life. Happy exploring!

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