Sex Guides

If you're reading this with your mouth hanging open and thinking, "What? Clitoral erection? Internal part of the clitoris?" you're not alone, and I hold no judgment. But yes, clitorises have erections.
There are a lot of expectations around the idea of perfection and how we "should" look, and the vulva has not escaped these unrealistic beauty ideals. In the quest for perfect-looking genitalia, many are turning to cosmetic procedures such as labiaplasty, laser hair removal, and the latest trend — vaginal bleaching.

Your vagina works hard for you and sometimes it needs to breathe. Things like scrubbing your vagina with soap and shaving every single day is not only annoying for you, but potentially unhealthy for your vulva and vagina!

Remember, your vagina is your BFF. How would you treat them after a hard day’s work?

We’re not saying you can’t shave or wash down there every day. You can even stay unshaven! We’re simply saying to take a moment to consider whether you’re promoting your vaginal health or not.

What is the female prostate? Is it the same thing as the g-spot? And what in the world do I do with it? We'll explore both scientifically and practically.
Between pornography and media portrayals of scantily-clad women, there has become a stereotype of what the ideal vulva looks like. "Normal" now almost looks like a Barbie doll. We'll talk about how we got here, and what is actually normal.
If you or your partner have ever had trouble finding your clitoris, we're going into graphic, nitty-gritty detail on what to do here. We're even going to have pictures and troubleshooting steps! We're dispensing with the vague, mystical descriptions here since those have never helped anyone.

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