Anal Orgasms Are Real: Comparing Vaginal Vs. Anal Orgasms

“Yeah, but have YOU tried the anal data thing?” My friend called me out a few weeks ago in front of our friends during dinner. “No, not yet…” I guiltily said.

Until. today. That’s right, I’m writing a whole post about showing you my anal orgasm data in response to your sassy question, Charles. And even better, I’m going to show you what the anal orgasm data looks like compared to my vaginal orgasm data from the same session.

Let me explain.

Biofeedback graphs - learn how orgasms and pleasure change from things like weed lube, concussions, alcohol, and more

Bohlen, Held, Sanderson, Ahlgren, 1982

At Lioness, we are all about exploring our bodies through the biofeedback graphs to learn how our orgasms and pleasure change from things like weed lube, concussions, alcohol and more. We always theoretically knew from a study done in the 80’s that anal muscles contract in a similar fashion to the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles during an orgasm, but my friend Charles was right…we should be practicing what we preach! So, I got two Lioness vibrators, thick water-based lube, and went to double penetration town and lived to tell the story.

A Few Notes About Anal and Double Penetration:

  • Although the Lioness is a rabbit-style vibrator that was designed for vaginal use and vaginal, pelvic floor data, it can also be used for anal play due to the clitoral nub/arm acting like a stopper. You can read more on my anal sex guide here.
  • I’m a sample size of one female and this is in as much of a controlled environment as my bedroom can really be.
  • Double penetration and anal sex aren’t for everyone and that’s totally okay and normal. Always listen to your own body and partners for cues.

Here's the Vaginal Orgasm Data

Vaginal orgasm data

I would say this looks very much like my typical masturbation session when I don’t use weed lubeor any other orgasm altering factors. My vaginal muscles tend to jump around throughout the session until the actual orgasm. The orgasm itself almost looks like a sinusoidal wave or what we at Lioness call an “Ocean Wave type,” where a rhythmic squeeze and release happens with my vaginal muscles.

Now, the Anal Orgasm

Anal orgasm data

Super similar, right?! Although, I should have expected it, like the study had already mentioned. It was really cool to see my own data line up with the study done over 30 years ago.

I’ll show you the best part, the two graphs put together.

Here’s the Anal Compared to the Vaginal Data

Double penetration masturbation session

The whole masturbation session.

Double penetration orgasm session

Just the orgasm portion zoomed in.

Ta-da! As you can see, they’re almost identical to each other during the same session except for two distinct differences:

  1. The data from the anal Lioness toy is registering at a MUCH higher force throughout the entire masturbation session and the orgasm itself.
  2. The anal orgasm has a larger peak-to-peak amplitude, meaning those anal muscles relax and squeeze stronger than my vaginal muscles during orgasm.

I shared my data with Dee Hartmann, PT, DPT, who focuses on women's sexual health, and she explained that, “the sphincters of the urethra and anus are considered a part of the deep pelvic floor muscle (PFMs) complex. The anal sphincter is made up of 2 parts: the external anal sphincter is voluntary or striated muscle that we can actively contract and relax whereas the internal anal sphincter is involuntary or smooth muscle which is not under volitional control. Similarly, the urinary sphincter has the 2 parts, one that is under voluntary control (what we commonly think of as the PFMs in general, which are striated muscles), and those of the urinary sphincter (which are smooth muscle).”

The more you know...

The more you know!

Intrigued? Self-Experiment with the Lioness

Lioness Smart Vibrator

If you want to do your own fun masturbation self-experimentation, make your own data graphs, and improve your orgasms, you can get your smart Lioness vibratorhere!

As the old saying goes…never measured, never improved. 😉

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