Sexperiments Results: Are orgasms better in the morning?

Congratulations, Sexplorers! You got through an entire month of doing it early to: find the answer to the question: are orgasms better first thing in the morning?

A Quick review of the Lioness community poll & hypotheses

At the start of July, each Sexplorer was prompted to formulate a hypothesis and vote in a poll before beginning their Sexperiment.

Community Poll: Do you masturbate in the morning?

When we discussed this Sexperiment, we were really curious to know if other people were touching themselves in the morning, and the results were surprising!

Out of 82 Sexplorers who joined the experiment, only 13% said they masturbated often in the morning.

sexperiments hypothesis

Hypothesis 2: How will morning masturbation affect your orgasms?

Lioness users were given three choices for this hypothesis: Get Better, Stay the Same, or Get Worse.

For the second month in a row, the majority hypothesized their O’s would Stay the Same:

sexperiments hypothesis

The Results: Did masturbating in the morning make orgasms better?

Brace yourselves, because the data on this one is a bit mind blowing! And we’re talking multiple orgasms mind blowing.

On average, Lioness users rated their orgasms at 3.5 stars out of 5, and there was a general increase in both peak orgasmic force and orgasm duration. Whereas baseline sessions registered a peak force just over 30 gF during orgasm, early bird sessions registered an average peak of just under 70.42 gF during orgasm.

Most surprisingly, however, whereas one orgasm was recorded on average in baseline sessions, the average number of orgasms in the morning increased to 3.5 per session. Did we just uncover the secret to multiple orgasms? Perhaps!

This Sexperiment also gave the following results::

The average time to orgasm decreased to 5 min 22 secs minutes (compared to 4 min 19 secs in baseline sessions) Overall average session length increased to 10 min 33 seconds (compared to 5 min 9 secs in baseline sessions)

The Conclusion: Orgasms might be better in the morning

Generally speaking, an increase in force and duration signal a better orgasm and that’s what the average results of this Sexperiment found.

Curious to know what makes your O’s better? Join Sexperiments and find out if CBD improves orgasms or not when you get your Lioness!

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