How to use the Lioness Vibrator as a couples sex toy

Happy older couple - How to use the Lioness Smart Vibrator as a couples sex toy

Although the Lioness Vibrator is primarily thought of as a product forself-discovery, it’s also a great tool forour-discovery. Basically, what I’m saying is that it can also be one of the best sex toys out there for couples.

Will I or my partner become overly reliant or desensitized by it?

Nope. We did another story that goes into greater detail about the topic (you can read it here), but basically, you or your partner would not become overly reliant or desensitized by a sex toy. Desensitization from vibration can happen in cases such as if you’re in the construction industry working with large, industrial equipment every day, not using a comparatively small vibrator now and then (or even every day). You should be good in that department. 👍

they terk err jerbs South Park Meme

For those of you unfamiliar with this reference, he's saying "They took our jobs!" ... thank you South Park, lol

Will this vibrator (or any toy) replace me or my partner?

No—I’d hope you wouldn’t compare your awesome self to an inanimate object! Introducing a variety of different sex toys can add some much-needed spice to your sex life (though we first recommend having a conversation about it with your partner before starting out). It’s also a great way to start more conversations about pleasure, learn about what you both like, and explore new heights of pleasure you never knew existed before.

Think of it like going on a date to an exotic location, going to a hip new restaurant, or gifting some fine jewelry... Only better, because unlike a trip or a meal, a great sex toy is the gift that keeps on giving for years to come... and how often will they wear that expensive jewelry, anyway?

In the case of our product the Lioness, we’ve heard back from a number of couples who use the Lioness together in different ways and tell us how it has benefitted their relationship and made things more...interesting (in a good way).

Back up, what is the Lioness Vibrator?

Lioness is a smart vibrator made by a team of badass women engineers and designers that is able to capture then visualize arousal and orgasm from pelvic floor movements (vaginal contractions or anal contractions for anybody). If you’re looking for a sex toy that does something different than anything else, this definitely checks that box.

You can also use Lioness as a remote control vibrator (local remote control now, online control available later this year as an app update). Unlike other remote control vibrators, you can see arousal and orgasmic response in real time from the app. That way, you know what movements and sensations work so you can be intimate and learn about each other's preferences at the same time.

Session Playback - orgasm pattern animation

Example of pelvic floor contraction patterns that characterize an orgasm

How have couples used the Lioness together?

Couples have gotten very creative with how they’ve used the Lioness Vibrator in obvious and not-so-obvious ways. Ultimately, they’ve used the information and features to have better sex (with and without the vibrator).

See your orgasms on the Lioness App

Pleasure can change a lot over time and differs from person to person

1. Learn what your partner likes (and doesn't like)

Everyone is different. Your previous partner might like one thing, but your current partner may like something completely different. In comparison to other products out there, Lioness gives you the low-down on what your partner likes so you can know how to better please them.

Furthermore, the mere conversation about sex is a taboo topic that many of us feel ashamed to talk about and is actively censored by nearly all major social platforms. Consequently, most of us keep things to ourselves, and we don’t learn other perspectives or how to empathize with others who have experiences outside of what we’ve personally encountered. Lioness can help you put aside your assumptions and learn what you (or your partner) likes and their body—as well as how preferences change over time.

“It's been fun looking at the data and comparing notes...I appreciate getting new things all the time.” — Tom

“I love how it tells me how my orgasims are while using it during sex with my boyfriend or by myself. I also love the settings that I can use to make it more intense or not so intense with the vibration settings. I would love to see it happen on the app as I'm actually orgasiming” — Sherry

(real time on the app is now available as a free update on the Lioness app — check it out here!)

Couple holding hands

2. Open up the conversation about pleasure

Sex can be difficult to talk about for all sorts of reasons. Just look at reddit's "bad womens anatomy" subreddit and you’ll see what I mean. Although this subreddit showcases some of the more extreme misconceptions about women and sex, many of us have misconceptions on some level.

It’s no surprise, either… Many of us don’t get great sex education (orany in some cases — and ongoing education after grade school is nearly non-existent). Because of that, we often don’t have the language or framework to convey our experiences very well. Most importantly, our sexual preferences are shaped by our previous experiences (take this person whose orgasms became "shitty" overnight after a concussion), other things going on in our lives, anatomy, things like alcohol or cannabis, and even down to how we’re feeling that day. It’s not just simply being aroused, turned on, or having an orgasm means that you’re attracted/in love/etc. with another person.

If only sex were that simple... right? Unfortunately, the reality is that it’s not, but it’s not a mystery, either.

We’ve found that Lioness has been a great way to present information about personal pleasure in a way that’s tangible and helps couples learn how to have better sex. Consider this review of Lioness from a journalist at Glamour:

“[Lioness] also helped me discuss my sexuality with my partner...Hearing my partner point to a chart and say, "Is that your orgasm?" broke down a barrier for us; we hadn't talked about my satisfaction that openly and frankly before. The fact that it was charted out made it more accessible and allowed for a clinical distance, like looking at a math problem rather than analyzing something so deeply personal.”


Using Lioness has also helped to figure out what works and doesn’t work, especially in cases where you have questions about why things feel uncomfortable.

“I had been dealing with pain during intercourse for the last five years. My boyfriend always worked with it and was understanding, but I was frustrated and ashamed that this issue seemingly came out of nowhere where...Using the Lioness a few times solo first helped me feel at ease and empowered to ask - I’m happy to report that I’ve been able to consistently have painless sex since getting the Lioness! It also felt like opening the floodgates of communication - our relationship has benefitted from it both in intimacy and emotion, and it encouraged my boyfriend to be more open with me as well.” — AM

Thinking of you sexting

3. Have fun! Be a little naughty ;)

We’ve heard of couples enjoying sharing their “sessions”. With a screenshot, you can share an interesting insight from a recent session with your partner just like you’d share any other picture over your messaging app of choice. It strikes up a conversation, lets them know you’re being a little randy, and also lets them know you’re thinking of them.

If you want to jazz up your orgasm a bit, you can also turn your orgasm into art and share it with your partner, too—one of our newest features enables just that (you can learn more about that here). It’s also a hint of some of the new experiences to come...

Lioness Live view

Newest features

Available as free app updates on iOS and Android

One of the coolest things about Lioness is, even after you buy it, you continuously get new features and functionality from it over time, opening up the variety of experiences you can share together with your partner. It’s the only vibrator out there that can do that, and we’ve been adding a variety of new functionality to it since it first launched over a year ago.

So without further ado, these are some of the newest features you can explore with the Lioness Vibrator! (Last updated 3/11/2019)

GIF of Lioness Remote Control Vibrator app

1. Remote control vibrator

One of the more common features out there, but for some couples, it’s essential to their sexual exploration together. It’s something we've working on introducing for a while, especially because many remote control sex toys in the past have had issues maintaining a connection, and we have high standards for anything we roll out, we’re designing our remote control feature so it can maintain a smoother connection...

2. “Live View” — see your orgasms in real-time from the app

See orgasms in real-time while using the Lioness Vibrator. This is something that is unique to the Lioness Vibrator because of its specific suite of sensors, Artgasm, and the AI/ML that powers things.

People have already found ways to can tinker with this from what’s already on the Lioness app. We’ve had a few creative people do this at play parties already, so we worked on something that is easier and smoother for anyone with a Lioness to use.

“Another creative use of the “Game” functionality that we’ve heard is creating live shows where an individual masturbates with the Lioness with the display projected on-screen from their mobile device. This is able to create an interesting and unique backdrop for larger parties. We’ll actually be rolling out (very soon) the ability to apply the real-time data to our Artgasm visualization (as shown below), which also captures motion and motor settings in addition to vaginal contractions.”

Artgasm example

“… it was a bigger event and we had a bunch of couples here. We were still getting to all know each other, but it was really hot to see one woman pleasing herself and us being able to actually see her vag’s response. We didn’t have the best setup, since it was just on the phone, but it was still pretty hot. I’m looking to have a projector next time.” — Liza

(And, of course, if swinger or play parties aren’t your thing, you can also do something similar privately with just you and your S.O.)

3. Remote “Live Sex”

If you can do remote control and remote imagery… you can do remote “live sex”. As another dimension for adding connection and intimacy with your partner, you can control the vibrator, see your partner (via your messaging app of choice),andeven see them become more aroused and orgasmic in their own, unique way. You could also play around with techniques like orgasm control and explore all sorts of ways to make them (or you) orgasm in a variety of ways.

“I've found it especially useful for doing edging or orgasm control with someone new. It's not something you don't learn over time, but it both speeds up the process and makes it a lot easier to do new stuff and see how it affects things.” — Alex

What are you waiting for?

Have better sex with Lioness. I did say that this is the gift that keeps on giving. 😉


Intrigued? Find out more about The Lioness here!


Lioness VibratorLioness is the first and only vibrator that helps you improve your orgasms.

The world’s most advanced vibrator. Precision sensors let you literally see your arousal and orgasm. Experiment, understand yourself, and have better orgasms—after all, as the saying goes, “never measured, never improved.”

Click hereto learn more about the Lioness.

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