Sex Guides

Whether you’re preparing for this life-changing vaginoplasty surgery or early in your recovery period, you’ve probably got at least one question in the back of your mind: What is sex going to feel like?

Theorgasm gap is simply the difference in frequency of orgasm between men and women. (Stay with me; I know the heteronormativity isn’t ideal but, until recently, most studies mainly surveyed cisgender men and women, many who identified as heterosexual. We’re going to discuss a study that compares the orgasm gap between LGBTQ+ individuals a bit later in this article, too!)
Allow me to introduce you to audio porn. Essentially, audio erotica is porn that you listen to. A narrator tells you an erotic story, leaving the rest up to your wildest imagination.
Maintaining sexual health during and throughout hormonal transition is incredibly important to me and to other trans folks everywhere. Watch out for these main challenges associated with testosterone masculinizing therapy and give yourself permission to enjoy the best parts of prevention — the orgasms!
While progress is being made, with many states enacting laws addressing health coverage for LGBTQ patients, it is important that LGBTQ patients know how to self-advocate in a medical setting and know what to do if they experience discriminatory treatment from a provider.
Studies have shown that testosterone is associated with new sexual behaviors, changes in sexual attraction, and increased frequency of sexual activity among trans men2. Translation: while on testosterone, sex changes radically and sex drive is through the roof.

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