Sex Guides

Allow me to introduce you to audio porn. Essentially, audio erotica is porn that you listen to. A narrator tells you an erotic story, leaving the rest up to your wildest imagination.

In the past, porn had a reputation for being geared towards straight, heterosexual men. The points of view, the storylines (or lack thereof), even the way a woman’s pleasure was depicted all seemed to cater to a demographic women just weren’t a part of.

Fortunately, the times they are a’changin’ and there is so much more porn for the choosing in 2020. If you’ve ever wondered “where can I find porn for women?” this one’s for you. We'll go over what porn for women is and some of the best options out there right now.

We scoured the internet to find the best erotica on the internet so you can spend less time searching and more time (s)exploring your good/bad self! We cover erotica for women, LGBTQ+ erotica, BIPOC erotica, Fanfiction, BDSM, Vintage, ASMR, Audio, Comics, Reddit, and so much more. There's something for everyone!

An avid reader, I prefer the way that the stories are told from a first-person perspective (the literary equivalent of POV porn). I love being able to read about how all the narrator’s senses are being engaged. 

As someone who was assigned female at birth and used to identify as a woman, I found it really refreshing to study pleasure from the point of view of a female narrator(more on womxn-centric porn later). 

To this day, I still love reading erotic stories. Being a part of someone’s fantasy in that way is so much more erotic than watching a bunch of body parts smush together on screen.

I’d never heard of ASMR before 2018, but I have several friends who swear they experience it and that watching certain videos helps them deal with their intense insomnia. One such friend went out of town with me, and late at night in our hotel room, she turned on a video of a woman whispering and watched it until she drifted off to sleep. This seemed not all that strange to me, almost like listening to a guided meditation.  

But ASMR is much more than a desire to listen to someone whispering.

Laura and Ian had been together for a year when he began making regular requests for her to watch porn with him to “spice things up” in their bedroom. Up until then, Laura had only read erotica on her own to get herself in the mood. She was reluctant to watch porn in the past because she’d read that women who worked in the porn industry were often mistreated and underpaid. Wanting to keep her sex life healthy, she agreed to watch porn with Ian after one of their date nights.

“I wanted to like it, this porn he was so enthusiastic to share with me to get us in the mood,” Laura shared as she told me about her experience watching pornography with her boyfriend Ian. “But as it progressed, I couldn’t get over the blatant objectification of women. I could tell the women in the video weren’t actually enjoying themselves. And rather than turning me on, I was repulsed and disappointed.”

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