Sex Guides

Outside of the military community, Memorial Day is generally pretty sexy. Bikinis, beer and barbecues; steaks, sunscreen, and swimming pools. It’s a day many civilians look forward to.

Inside the military community, however, things can look and feel a bit different. For a military spouse, it’s often a day where we anticipate our service member needing more love than they give. It’s a day when we know they’re going to be thinking of all the people they’ve loved and lost - people they’ve endured everything with, from boot camp to wars. 

This begs the question; how do you maintain intimacy with something like death and loss hanging heavy in the air? The answer is so simple, it may surprise you!

In the world of sex, fetishes and fantasies are often viewed as taboo. While you can lean toward science and studies to tell you that they’re not actually that uncommon, chances are you’ve got the best possible person to share your sexual fantasies with; your partner.

Still, figuring out how to share your sexual fantasies with someone may seem difficult at first. If you’ve never approached the subject, you may be unsure of what to ask, how to ask it, and how to react.

Fortunately, we’ve compiled a simple list of tips and tricks for how to talk to your partner about your sexual fantasies and theirs.

In a recent article listing blow job dos and don’ts, I said there’s no step-by-step recipe to the perfect blow job and I stand by my words.

As a sex writer who spends a good portion of my time writing guides and advice pieces for better sex, I’m often conflicted because there’s never just one good way to do anything.

There are ways. Plural.

Blow jobs are no different; they can be quick and dirty, a surprise, warm-up, or foreplay. But, if you want to take it up a notch and give the crème de la crème of blow jobs—no pun intended—I recommend the following tips:

How to Give a Better Blow Job

If I could give you a step-by-step recipe to the perfect blowjob, I would, but unfortunately, there’s no such thing. Since preferences and sensitivities vary from person to person, and sometimes even from one day to the next, there’s no ‘go-to-procedure’ for all. 

Fortunately, if you’re wondering how to give a good blow job, there are a few dos and don’t that separate the bad from the good, and the good from the outstanding.

What goes up must come down! Isaac Newton said it first, and it is true for much more than physical objects controlled by gravity.

When we reach any kind of elated and euphoric state, we're bound for an inevitable come-down, and—if we don't take care—potentially a huge crash. Most of us have at some point experienced feeling down or even depressed after a blissful or mind-blowing event, whether a party, a holiday, an exerting physical performance or something else that brings us high.

For as long as there's been sex, people have searched to find ways to make it better—more pleasurable, longer, with better orgasms, you name it. Enter aphrodisiacs. Derived from “Aphrodite” (the name of the Greek goddess of love), this term refers to substances that stimulate sexual desire. And while there isn't much scientific proof behind most aphrodisiacs, you still find couples ordering oysters on Valentine's Day in the hopes they'll get lucky. So let's take a look at the history of aphrodisiacs and if you should consider trying any.

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