Sex Guides

I first heard about the Archer Bowchair from my college alumni network (I attended a women’s college). A bunch of us were fascinated by this chair. I mean, look at it—It’s not just a chair, it’s a work of art. I had to learn more. What I discovered was not only a great chair (and great sex), but also a love story. Not just any love story, but how to have a rich, fulfilling relationship no matter your circumstances.

Are you starting to accumulate a sex toy collection and don’t know where to put them all when you’re not using them? Or are you trying to deliberately keep them away from the prying eyes of relatives, roommates, kids, or pets? We have a few tips for keeping your sex toys organized and hidden/hard-to-find, yet easily accessible for you. We've compiled a list of the best box and storage options for all price ranges and collection sizes.

I’ve lived with roommates for almost 10 years of my life. This means when I’m trying to have some fun solo-time, I need quiet vibrators that won't wake up my entire house and kill me of embarrassment. Finding quiet, silent vibrators are especially difficult if you’re shopping online because all you have to go by are pictures. Well, I totally know the feeling and I want to help you!

Looking to add some spice to your vanilla sex life? Explore the world of kink and find something that suits your fancy! While it’s impossible to have a completely exhaustive list, we've put together a roundup of some of the more popular kinks and ground rules.

"I like BDSM. I like bondage. I have a fetish sometimes around dominance situations as the one dominated or dominant. Am I weird? Am I broken? Am I a sick person? Is BDSM morally wrong?" Your questions answered with real studies on the topic.

Sexual boredom is not an uncommon complaint for many couples. Sex can become dry predictable, routine like and feel like the excitement has drained from the sexual experience.

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