Sex Guides

July 31st is National Orgasm Day! Yes, there’s a holiday for everything.

While sex and masturbation is not all about reaching that O and more about enjoying yourself, we can’t deny the glory of a great orgasm. To celebrate, here are some fun facts about orgasms that we have discovered on our journey of creating smart vibrators.

If you're reading this with your mouth hanging open and thinking, "What? Clitoral erection? Internal part of the clitoris?" you're not alone, and I hold no judgment. But yes, clitorises have erections.
A Swedish proverb says thatshared joy is double joy, and that is certainly true for mutual masturbation. Whether you make it foreplay in close contact or the main course with long-distance partners, add a sex toy or two, explore kink and other role-play scenarios, it’s a versatile act with the potential to be so much more than a quick, side-by-side wank.

Whether you’re preparing for this life-changing vaginoplasty surgery or early in your recovery period, you’ve probably got at least one question in the back of your mind: What is sex going to feel like?

There are a lot of expectations around the idea of perfection and how we "should" look, and the vulva has not escaped these unrealistic beauty ideals. In the quest for perfect-looking genitalia, many are turning to cosmetic procedures such as labiaplasty, laser hair removal, and the latest trend — vaginal bleaching.
Theorgasm gap is simply the difference in frequency of orgasm between men and women. (Stay with me; I know the heteronormativity isn’t ideal but, until recently, most studies mainly surveyed cisgender men and women, many who identified as heterosexual. We’re going to discuss a study that compares the orgasm gap between LGBTQ+ individuals a bit later in this article, too!)

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