Sex Guides

Sex, and what is sexy, lies on a massive spectrum that is highly personalized to each individual person. So you can bet that when it comes to choosing the right sex club, you're going to want to find a group that aligns with what you think is sexy. So if you’re wondering where to begin when delving into the wide world of sex clubs, here are a few places to start.

If romance novels and chick-flicks are to be believed, the long-distance relationship is to be dreaded, and time apart shunned as an enemy of love.

But in reality, the experts—and those who’ve been there— say long-distance relationships can actually lead to a stronger bond. Even, perhaps, a better sex life.

Here are the 5 best tips to keep your sex life alive in a long distance relationship.

Sex clubs may seem taboo or risque, but as Grace learned, sex clubs are about finding what is erotic for you, as the individual, and creating a safe space to explore it. Still, it’s natural to feel nervous about attending. If you want to push the boundaries of your comfort zone, but are not sure what to expect, here are three important things to know before visiting your first sex club or sex party.

Being a parent brings many joys into your life. But if the “sexless relationship after kids” trope is to be believed, a healthy sex life is not one of them.

As a mom to a small child, I know all too well how the demands of parenting can be exhausting, leaving little time or desire for sex. Fortunately, there’s good news for both new and seasoned parents alike: our sex lives don’t have to go the way of the dodo bird. Here are the 3 best secrets to keeping your sex life alive as parents.

Lesbians have great sex, and we have the data to prove it. Research published in the journal Archives of Sexual Nature found that while straight people have sex more often, lesbians report having far more orgasms — 86 percent of the time —  compared to their heterosexual counterparts, who orgasm only 65 percent of the time.  

But how do we have this earth-shattering, orgasm-giving sex? It’s not just about oral sex— though there’s plenty of that, too. To avoid the dreaded “lesbian bed death” thought to come with long-term relationships, lesbians have to get more creative with our sex positions to keep things exciting.

Whether you’ve been together for 2 months or 20 years, here are some of the best lesbian sex positions you can incorporate into your sex life to keep the passion flowing.

According to a Havas study on Love in the Digital Age, “more than 4 in 10 [people] would be willing to monitor their sexual activities and performance for improvement.” It harkens back to that old saying" “never measured, never improved.” Not only can you get better at things or improve your life through measurement and data, but you can also apply the same principles to improving your sex life.

While there are more period and fertility trackers than I can count on both of my hands, sex and orgasm tracking is a highly sought after, yet nascent space. But search I did, and I found a variety of different trackers out there. Each of these are great for different purposes, whether you’re tracking sex in terms of fertility, health, or just to remember to kick back and have fun.

From tracking sex, masturbation, orgasms, and more, here are some of the best sex and orgasm trackers on the market.

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