Sex Guides

Let’s get into why orgasms might just be the breakfast of champions.
Maintaining sexual health during and throughout hormonal transition is incredibly important to me and to other trans folks everywhere. Watch out for these main challenges associated with testosterone masculinizing therapy and give yourself permission to enjoy the best parts of prevention — the orgasms!
Studies have shown that testosterone is associated with new sexual behaviors, changes in sexual attraction, and increased frequency of sexual activity among trans men2. Translation: while on testosterone, sex changes radically and sex drive is through the roof.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a T-shaped device placed in the uterus to prevent sperm from reaching the egg. They are over 99% effective, making them the most effective contraceptive method out there compared to the pill, condoms, and others.

With a pill, or other forms of contraceptives, there’s a huge margin of error because you might forget to take it or use it incorrectly. With an IUD, on the other hand, you can just set it and forget it.

When the coronavirus pandemic first started in March, I surrendered to the moment. Like everyone else, I cherished my humble toilet paper reserves. I lined up to buy plants at Home Depot like a good millennial. 

I took my financial losses as opportunities to show gratitude for what I have. Instead of worrying about my empty work calendar, I dusted off some craft supplies and watercolors. I gave my brain the permission to do things badly, slowly, and sloppily.

As global panic and fear swirled around me, I stayed calm. I found comfort in solitude. This extended time alone was an opportunity to meet myself once again. 

For the first time in my life, I gave my gender room to breathe...

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a more aggravated version of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). PMS feels like bopping to an angsty No Doubt song on the radio, while PMDD feels like being trapped in a Hawthorne Heights screamo concert with no end in sight.

PMDD is a medical condition that causes severe irritability, anxiety, and depression in the week or two before your period(1). Symptoms subside 2-3 days after your period starts. An estimated 5-8% of women and AFAB (assigned female at birth) individuals have PMDD(2).

Those of us that have PMDD can thank our lucky stars that masturbating serves as a fun way to relieve symptoms.

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