Sex Guides

Although the Lioness Vibrator is primarily thought of as a product for self-discovery, it’s also a great tool for our-discovery. Basically, what I’m saying is that it can also be one of the best sex toys out there for couples. Not only is it a great vibrator, it can also help you and your partner have better sex (with and without the vibe).

You’ll never forget your firsts. First crush, first lover, first vibrator. All of them can be extremely confusing to navigate. If you have questions about navigating love, I don’t think I’m your gal... but as someone who knows plenty about sex toys and has built some as well, I can certainly help you navigate the trials and tribulations of buying your first vibrator and learning how to use sex toys. I’ll tell you my mistakes so hopefully you can feel a little bit less in the dark when you buy your first (or second) toy.

Advice from a female sex toy designer on what’s out there, what to look for, and recommendations.

Whether you're on vacation, packing for college, or off to see family or in-laws over the holidays, packing sex toys can be tough. Who wants TSA to root through your suitcase and pull out your beloved toy, asking “What’s this?”. Or the unfortunate vibrator going off in the luggage as you greet parents or in-laws?

I’ve lived with roommates for almost 10 years of my life. This means when I’m trying to have some fun solo-time, I need quiet vibrators that won't wake up my entire house and kill me of embarrassment. Finding quiet, silent vibrators are especially difficult if you’re shopping online because all you have to go by are pictures. Well, I totally know the feeling and I want to help you!

What exactly *is* a sex machine, anyway? You could argue that vibrators or anything with some sort of electronics is a fuck machine...after all, our Lioness Vibrator is a sex toy built more like an early iPhone inside with a multilayer board and an array of sensors so you can track your every whim and desire. Are basic vibes with on/off switches or more technologically advanced ones like the Lioness also considered machines?

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