Sex Guides

Theorgasm gap is simply the difference in frequency of orgasm between men and women. (Stay with me; I know the heteronormativity isn’t ideal but, until recently, most studies mainly surveyed cisgender men and women, many who identified as heterosexual. We’re going to discuss a study that compares the orgasm gap between LGBTQ+ individuals a bit later in this article, too!)

It may not be a surprise to some women, but a new study that came out just last year shows that the longer a woman is in a committed long term relationship, the more likely it is that her libido will decrease.

The study concluded that women need variety and novelty in their sexual experiences to stay interested.

This article condenses research on the nature of female desire in long-term heterosexual relationships. 

In the past, porn had a reputation for being geared towards straight, heterosexual men. The points of view, the storylines (or lack thereof), even the way a woman’s pleasure was depicted all seemed to cater to a demographic women just weren’t a part of.

Fortunately, the times they are a’changin’ and there is so much more porn for the choosing in 2020. If you’ve ever wondered “where can I find porn for women?” this one’s for you. We'll go over what porn for women is and some of the best options out there right now.

When you’re expecting, sex is either always on your mind or the very last thing. But whether you want to have sex or not, you may be asking yourself is it safe to use sex toys while I’m pregnant?

Rest assured, if your pregnancy is healthy and you haven’t been explicitly told not to by your doctor or healthcare provider, then you can feel free to have sex with or without toys. 

Femtech is a weird category. While it has raised awareness in the mainstream consciousness about a number of issues related to women’s health, the term is not without its underlying problems.

Here, I will speak about it as the Co-founder and CEO of Lioness, a sexual wellness company that created a biofeedback vibrator that helps people learn more about their own bodies and pleasure. I started Lioness in 2013, a few years before the term Femtech was in the general conversation, and can share a bit about how the rise of this term has influenced investment and media over the years.

Farting is one of those things we all do, but society seems to tell us we “shouldn't” fart. If we happen to pass gas in front of other people, it can often induce embarrassment and frantic looking around, hoping nobody suspects it was us. But it's a completely natural and common occurrence to fart.

It's the same thing with vaginal farts, otherwise known as “queefing,” but these usually happen in front of a much smaller crowd. When a person queefs during sex, it can leave them mortified and negatively impact their pleasure — even if their partner(s) doesn't seem to care.

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